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Jeff Lisandro Ante

Jeff Lisandro Ante

Within two hands, the short stack of Jeff Lisandro has melted and Steven Albini was crowned the champion with the words 'this is fuckin' awesome'!

Hand #1:

Friedman thought that Lisandro had failed to post a $5,000 chip ante and voiced this thought for some time, essentially accusing Lisandro of robbery and being way out of line, an accusation that was completely out of line considering that Lisandro is a well-known pro with no history of cheating whatsoever. Jeff Lisandro Meltdown at WSOP Feature Table. One of the players sitting right next to him should forget to put their ante out on purpose just so they could blame. Scott Clements raised it up in the cutoff, and Jeff Lisandro moved all in from the button for his last 190,000. When it got back to Clements, he made the call. Clements: Lisandro: Clements had Lisandro barely one upped, which unfortunately for Lisandro fans meant that he was in a world of hurt.

Jeff Lisandro: / /
Steven Albini: / /

In a limped pot, Lisandro bet fourth and Albini called before doing so again on fifth to seventh. Albini announced two pair and showed the for two pair, Lisandro mucked the for a pair of eights.

Hand #2:

Jeff Lisandro: / /
Steven Albini: / /

Jeffrey lisandro

Jeff Lisandro Antero

Jeff lisandro

Lisandro was down to last 40,000 and he put them into the middle on the next hand. Albini was slightly ahead with ace-high and caught a pair of tens to improve. Lisandro bricked the whole run out and has to settle for second place and a payday of $65,282. Albini will shortly be posing for the winner shots, gets his first gold bracelet and $105,629 for his efforts.

Jeff lisandro

Jeff Lisandro Antelope Valley

A recap of today's action is to follow.