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Why Do People Like Casinos

gambling has become a problematic issue in many Asian groups like the Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Korean and Cambodian populations
Perhaps, when you have visited a casino or walked through predominantly Asian neighborhoods, you have seen how many people in this community have an especially strong love of gambling. Although at first you would not think anything of it, the truth is that this constant gambling has become a problematic issue in many Asian groups like the Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Korean and Cambodian populations. Therefore, some activists within these communities are looking for ways to create awareness in order to eradicate the addictive behaviors and bad practices that come with gambling problems.

Why People Like Nostalgia

  1. People who gamble more frequently demand better value on their gamble, as do people with gambling skills. And so, if skill-based games are going to generate any meaningful volume, the price of.
  2. Features like auto spin are also available, which will play on a user’s account credit when they aren’t even there, helping them increase their chances of winning. Some casinos also offer money back perks which is a great addition to game-play perks. There’s also the fact that many people really enjoy the comfort of playing from home.

Gamblers Who Prefer Slots Must Not Like Casinos. As I said earlier, people gamble at casinos for several different reasons. Most of the time, gambling provides people a wonderful opportunity to socialize with other players. Frequently, during peak hours, a casino can feel more like a club than a place to gamble. In terms of size, sumptuousness, and spectacle, there is no other place in the world like Las Vegas. The vast, opulent malls America pioneered in the early ‘90s prepare you for the size of it – and Disney. Casinos use thousands of cameras. While older casinos like the Cal-Neva in Reno didn't bother with.

According to Timothy Fong, the co-director of the Gambling Studies Program at UCLA, the issue with Asian gambling addiction has to be taken seriously: “[t]his isn’t a special-interest group over-blowing a problem. We think this is real.” In fact, Fong conducted a study analyzing Asian gambling behaviors which he published in 2009.

The worst part is that this problem has been around for a while now, but nothing seems to be changing. For example, in 1999, a poll conducted by social services in Chinatown, San Francisco declared gambling as the community’s #1 problem. Within the community, 21% of interviewees thought of themselves as pathological gamblers and 16% more admitted to having some sort of gambling problem. This poll was conducted 15 years ago and this issue has not a changed a bit, in fact, it seemed to have escalated. Families are constantly bailing out family members and paying high sums to loaning sharks, but they do not make the person seek any help or counseling.

So, what makes them so obsessive when it comes to betting? The answer might lie in the way they were raised. In many parts of Asia, gambling is an activity that is learned from infancy. Family gathers usually contain gambling as the older members of the family teach the younger ones how to bet for money as a form of entertainment. This habit is reinforced in other environments like school, friend outings, etc. This is especially true in the Chinese population, which exhibits high levels of gambling.

Plus, most Asian cultures strongly believe in the concepts of chance, fate, luck, and numerology (they consider the number 8 extremely lucky and the number 4 as a bad omen). Take for example the Chinese New Year, in which a lot of people gamble because they consider it to be an extremely lucky day, since the good luck of the upcoming year comes intensely to sweep away with any bad luck of the old one. According to Fong, Asian ideas of fortune and the notion that everything is predetermined is what makes gambling so alluring to Asians, who relish in the opportunity to test their fate.

Plus, the casinos are not helping either. Asian costumers translate into good business. Therefore, most casinos are instructed to treat the Asian clients in a very special way because they are very big spenders. They lure them with personalized treatment, free drinks and cigarettes. Case in point, online gambling sites like the Maryland Live’s Web site can be accessed in five languages, including Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean and features an Asian inspired noodle restaurant in its live casino in order to cater to the preferences of its large Asian clientele.

Most casinos do not think of these practices as harmful to their Asians clients because they say that they are simply performing a service that these people are impatiently looking for. What do you guys think? Are they in their right to capitalize from the weaknesses of a specific community or is this a dirty way to make a profit? Let us know in the comment section!

Most gamblers lose. So why do people bet their hard-earned money? Find out a bit about the psychology of gambling, why people bet money and the reasons for gambling.

Why Do People Like Casinos

Psychology of Gambling: Reasons for Gambling

Ok, so we all understand that gambling offers you the chance of winning money or prizes, but have you considered some of the other reasons for gambling? A look into the psychology of gambling offers insight into that question.

Why Do People Gamble? - Risk Taking

One of the reasons for gambling is that it's human nature to feel excited when taking risks and the positive feeling gained from gambling is no different. 'Will my numbers come up?' 'Will my team win?' The sense of anticipation creates a natural high, an adrenalin rush, a feeling that very many of us seek when looking for fun and entertainment. A feeling that some people believe they cannot live without.

Why Do People Gamble? - Escapism

The gambling environment can provide an escape from everyday life. Whether it be the glitzy casino environment, a loud and exciting amusement arcade or even an online betting company, for the time that we are taking part we can be surrounded by different people, different sounds and emotions, all of which stimulate and arouse our senses.

Why Do People Gamble? - Glamorous

The media and advertising agencies understand the psychology of gambling and often portray a stylish, sexy, fashionable image of gambling. In film and TV, we see characters enjoying a night at the casino or an afternoon at the races. There is often a suggestion of 'high society' and attending at 'a place to be seen'.

Why Do People Gamble? - Social

Why Do People Like Casinos

Gambling is accepted as part of this country's culture and as such is widely participated in (with varying frequency) by the majority of the population. Some young people are introduced to gambling by learning to play card games with their parents at home, maybe we go the bingo with friends on a Friday night or meet after school at the amusement arcade.

Psychology of Gambling: The Common Misperception


The above reasons for gambling all tie into this: most people think about gambling as a low-risk, high-yield proposition. In reality, it's the opposite: a high-risk, low-yield situation. The odds always favor the house. Despite that, the thought and excitement of hitting a casino jackpot are often too alluring - regardless of its probability.

Why Do People Like Gambling

Learn more about Types of Gamblers and Signs of Gambling Addiction.


  • Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery

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APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2008, December 29). Psychology of Gambling: Why Do People Gamble?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2021, March 10 from