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If Only I Were You Teasers

It seems to me, that life would be so much easier if people could just be honest with themselves about who they are and what they want. I don't understand why some people try so incrediably hard to. When your words mean a lot for me.

It was my turn to make dinner that night. I wasn’t feeling like myself as I sat at the dinner table. The sight of Amara eating made my stomach turn. I watched as she pretended that all was well between us. She would hum a tune to a song that was nonexistent every now and then, waiting for me to say something so she could use that as her excuse to snap at me. We lived in the same apartment with another of our close friends. It was no fun living with someone who had cooked up some sort of hatred for you overnight. We weren’t always like that. We’d known each other since we were babies.

Amara’s attitude towards me changed drastically a few months ago. When we saw each other in public, it felt as if we didn’t live in the same house. We worked for the same company but when she turned in a resignation letter some months ago, my suspicions spiked. There was only one reason I could think of that would make her act this way towards me, and I was ready to get some answers.

“Amara, did you ever feel like Vincent and I were doing something behind your back when you guys were dating?” I asked. I was so sick to my stomach as I watch her chew that piece of bone.

“My dear, it’s a thing of a choice, I can’t tell but things do happen. Why the question if I may ask?” she wouldn’t look at me. It seemed as if my question didn’t hit a nerve in her.

“Are you disturbed or something?” she added, when she saw that I no longer touched my meal.

“Please just answer me, and no, I’m not disturbed.”

“Well are you feeling guilty of any crime? You know you can talk to me Vanessa.”

My patience was running out. See, I knew who I was dealing with here. She could win an Oscar in an act of fooling people into thinking she really cared about their feelings when at the end of the day, all she really wants is to hear you admit your fears so she could laugh behind your back.

“Amara, I simply asked you a question, if you don’t want to answer then we can just forget this; abi e get crime wey you commit?”

“Oh my God, see this girl oo.” She laughed. “If you have anything bothering you, just tell me instead of asking me unreasonable questions.”

“I’m asking you a question, and you seat there and lie to my face as if you don’t know what I mean. Don’t worry, you’ve already answered me.” I said in a matter of fact manner.

“I know the kind of person you are now, next time I won’t makes such mistake again.” My food was already cold, there was no reason for me to seat back and watch her manipulate me any longer. As soon as she saw me cover up my plate of food, she began laughing.

“HA! HA! HA!” she went. “Oh so you are just knowing me now ‘abi’? But you, I’ve known you all along!” she slammed her spoon on the table.

“I thought I knew you, which was why accepted you as my friend till now! I know nothing really. Like seriously, I don’t know what you are talking about so stop asking me for silly answers.” she wasn’t making any sense. This was one of her scheme to confuse me.

“Look, you can keep pretending okay?”

“Just come out plain Vanessa.”

“I came out!” I yelled. “I think you felt that I was messing with your boyfriend and it’s caused a strain on our relationship. Did you ever feel that way?”

“Oh my God, can you stop please? My head is spinning.” She placed her hands faintly on her forehead.

“No! I need to know so I will keep asking.”


“Like I said before, something is bothering you, I am willing to listen Vanessa.”

“You… you just won’t stop now will you?”

“Stop what!”

“The act!” I yelled back. I came close to her. “Your boyfriend came to me after you guys broke up. He said that somehow you felt I was coming on to him and that was the reason for the break up. You never told me such Amara. I … I … never knew you were bothered by my friendship with Vincent.”

“Oh how could you know when you were all over him? You pushed me aside and the guy that I introduced you to as my boyfriend became your best friend. But what he doesn’t know is that you’re such a whore.” She looked at me in total disgust.

“Excuse me?”

“Yes. And now I know the reason why all your other boyfriends left you.” My heart sunk into my stomach the instant those words left her mouth.

The fact that every guy I’d ever dated never seem to stay longer than after they’d taken what they wanted from me wasn’t something I was proud of. Amara had no right to use that against me.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry that I made you feel insured with the guy you loved,” she hissed, not wanting to believe my sincere apology.


“But it’s not my fault that you didn’t fight for him.” I picked up my plate of food. I had no business apologizing for something I dint do. What crime did I commit? She knew who I was; if I wanted something, I went for it!

“Go! Go oo. Go and ask Vincent if truly he loves you. Eight months, that was how long you could wait before you went ahead seeing him behind my back when you were supposed to be my friend. Who knows if you haven’t already open your legs for him? I swear Vanessa if I ever see you near me again, you will be sorry.”

I couldn’t take her insults anymore, I slammed the door and left that night.

I banged heavily on Vincent’s door with all the anger Amara left in me. When he opened, he was half naked. I barged in without waiting for him to speak.

With tears in my eyes, I hugged him tightly.

“Please tell me you love me, please Vincent…”

“Hey, hey, calm down babe.” Vincent said as he ran his fingers through my hair in a soothing manner.

“Vincent…” I could barely say his name. My tears was getting the best out of me.

“Just tell me what happened.” He requested as he drew me close to a nearby couch.

“I just had the biggest fight with Amara and I just need to know if I made a mistake by coming here.”

“I don’t understand vane…”

If only i were you teasers july 2016

“Do you love me Vincent?”

He nodded. “Yes, of course I do.” He raised my jaw up and planted a soft kiss to my slightly parted lips. But that wasn’t the reason why I came. I need to fully confirm that he was mine.

“But do you still love her?”

His grip on me softened. He let go of me and stood up. My jaws dropped.

“Oh my god, oh my god… please tell me it isn’t true.” I panicked. His eyes, they gave him away.

If Only I Were You Teasers First

“I still want her. There’s this piece of me that still thinks of her.”

“Can you ever let her go?”

He looked at me and said, “I don’t think so.”

“But Vanessa, I love you… I really do.” He rushed to my side when he saw me get up.

“Vincent!” I shouted through my tears. “So that was why she laughed at me. That was why she was so filed with confident because she knew she still had you.”

“I… I thought you didn’t want her anymore. I thought you guys were through!”

“It’s not that easy, it’s just not! Amara and I have been together since forever, you don’t just forget people like that so easily.”

“I stayed away for 8 months after the breakup, hoping it was enough time for you to get over her but no, like a hook, she’s still tied around your neck! Do you know how many other guys she’s slept with since she broke up with you?” I had to break it to him, he was being fooled by love. Amara no longer wanted him, but she’d made sure that he’ll never have another if not her.

“Why can’t you just understand me? I love you despite my feeling for Amara.”

“No, that’s your guilt speaking. I won’t blame you for my mistake. I blame my fragile heart that always flutters whenever a guy like you walks past. I hate to say this but Amara was right about me.”

“Vanessa…” his yes begged for me to stop. I could see that he cared but never in my life will I be anyone’s second best.

“I’ve lost a dear friend, but you cant even give me the reward of that?” Without looking back at him, I said, “I’m sorry Vincent but I have to go.”

Maybe if I had given him time, he would have been mine, but I am my mother’s daughter; she was the only woman my father ever loved.

The End!

If Only I Were You Teasers September 2016